Cellulite – Prevention is the Key

Medical Conditions

We all know that prevention is a lot better than cure. It’s cheaper, a lot easier, and can definitely remove the anxiety that is often associated with cellulite and its treatments. While it takes a great deal of understanding how one can be at risk for developing cellulite, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand the implications of actively preventing the development of such skin imperfections. But how do you prevent cellulite if it is already given that 8 to 9 out of every 10 women will have it?

Prevention starts with an understanding of how cellulites develop in the first place. Our muscles are naturally wrapped in a padding that is composed of fatty tissues. This is important to insulate the muscles from overheating and eventual fatigue. This network of fat pads also helps absorb shocks, vibrations, and any other pressure insults to the muscles and its surrounding organs. Without this fatty padding, we’d be more prone to physical injuries than ever before.

Like all tissues, these networks of fat paddings require an extensive network of blood vessels and lymph vessels. The blood vessels supply oxygen and nutrients to the different tissues so these will function optimally. The lymph vessels facilitate the removal of waste and other metabolic byproducts.

Cellulite develops because of a combination of factors. A reduction in blood flow can decrease nutrient supply to the tissues, inducing starvation, and a host of other problems. A reduction in lymph flow increases the accumulation of toxins and waste materials in the area which tend to cluster together to form a gel-like mass which pushes itself towards the outer skin. This is what is seen as the cellulite. Additionally, increased fat deposition in the skin from lack of exercise or faulty eating habits can increase the density of the fat paddings. This can further aggravate the reductions in circulatory and lymphatic functions.

Preventing cellulite is thus, geared towards three things.

First, fat should not be added into the existing fatty paddings. If possible, overall fat should be mobilized from these storage depots. This can be accomplished by sensible dieting and increased physical activity. These mobilize fat stores and burn them for energy. Dieting doesn’t mean you have to get rid of fat altogether. You only have to choose healthier versions of fat and avoiding saturated and trans-fats.

Second, improving blood flow to the skin and muscles can help nourish the cells and tissues, enabling them to function normally. Exercise and massage are great for improving blood flow.

Third, improving lymphatic drainage can help unclog the lymph vessels and help prevent the accumulation of waste matter that can become globules. Massage and heat therapy can help facilitate the removal of these wastes.

That said, preventing cellulite is very easy. Plus, you don’t need to shell out a fortune to prevent it.